Scribble Creatures: The Portfolio
Welcome to the Portfolio Page.
Greetings Gourds and Ghoulies!
I’m Holly, the otherworldly Artist who Scribbles my featured Creatures;
Miss Honey, Sir Hambo, and Goontz!
Here you will find all manner of one-of-a-kind paintings, prints, and other various shiny trinkets created by yours truly.
Our brand of magical, folkloric, and enchanted Art stems from an infinite love of all things softly spooky, universally strange, and best of all, scribbled :) Traditional Japanese and Modern style artworks along with our Hispanic heritage have a huge inspirational impact on the Halloween hued designs that we create year round. Hoping to keep your little crow hearts content, we thank you for joining us in the whimsical unknown.
Happy Haunting!

Process Still Photos
"Fall Babies" Wooden Light-Up Acrylic Painting
"Shibuya Gojo" Acrylic Painting on Wooden Board
"Wyrm Wife" Acrylic Painting on Art Board