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Scribble Creatures Artworks: Process Image "The Brothers' Journey" +

Here you will find some photos and videos of my creation process. Sometimes it is 100% traditionally completed, and sometimes I will mock up digitally what I want to create and then transfer that to traditional canvas; and then back into a print ^_^


On the Left is an example of the mockup painting "The Brothers' Journey" from the series Over the Garden Wall, and on the right is the completed painting :) The composition initially was a little different in that Wirt and Greg were both facing Enoch, but I wanted the style to be  more personal and for the painting to feel more immersive, so I turned the boys around to face us and created a more realistic element in how they are presented vs their traditional style.

"The Brothers' Journey" Original Canvas Painting and Print by Scribble Creatures (2024)

Because sometimes my original paintings are quite large, I then go through the process of photographing or 'scanning' the image in order to replicate it as a high quality print. It allows me to further refine the piece so it looks as much like the original painting as possible :)


Howl's Castle is one of my favorite pieces I have painted thus far! It's a very large stretched canvas and was a great challenge, both to paint and to begin learning how to visually capture my process painting better ^^; 


"Mean and Green" is my 2nd mural sized painting of Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors


One of my biggest inspirational pieces of media is the How to Train Your Dragon series. It was because of Toothless that I really began honing my skillset so I could begin painting full time!



Ori and the Blind Forest series, I do love to create smaller pieces from this media series.



As with most of my original work (and from where my name is derived) I love nothing more than to scribble my own creatures - this is a painting I made for my studio space of my beautiful lhasa apso puppy Miss Honey, but as the world's cutest Cerberus <3


For videos of my process, there are these following links:

"Fall Babies" Wooden Light-Up Acrylic Painting

"Shibuya Gojo" Acrylic Painting on Wooden Board

"Wyrm Wife" Acrylic Painting on Art Board