Art Replication/ Tattoo Permissions for Scribble Creatures Art

At this time, we ask that you Please Do NOT Trace, Reproduce, Copy, Tattoo, or otherwise take or replicate any of the artworks be it in full or in part, seen on this page, whether transformative or in it's original form without express written consent and permissions from Myself/Holly, the creator of all these Scribble Creatures.
While there is definitely a 'we' behind our art, I (Holly) am the sole Artist and Creator behind any and all illustrations that you see here under the Scribble Creatures name. At the time of your reading this, I do not and have not given my consent to have any of my work tattooed, be it in full or in part, by any artist, at any time, and will update this page accordingly *IF* that changes.
Now I know I cannot control every person, but my original artwork was created with the utmost integrity, and I can only hope that those who love and appreciate my work enough to want to get it tattooed can return that integrity and honor my denial of consent to have my work replicated either in full or in part by another Artist. My artworks are hugely personal to Me, and while I adore the many opportunities I have had to share them with you, I remain the only one with the right to do so. Art being personal to the creator is a beautiful thing, and I know the many incredible Artists in the Tattoo and other Creative industries would agree to that fact, and more than step up to the challenge of creating a unique work for You rather than copy/pasting another person's work (especially without their consent)!

You may re-blog/share a post with credit to your heart's content (and we thank you for doing so!), but please, PLEASE do not take my Artwork to another artist - or any kind of artificial intelligence run generator - and ask them to replicate my work in any medium. It's not 'an honor', or 'best kind of compliment' to copy another Artist, and no I am not flattered when people take what I have worked so hard on and warp it to their own specifications. It's incredibly hurtful, and if you have any respect for your favorite creators, I highly encourage you to first ask for consent AND Honor their decision.
I do not condone the use of my artwork in full or in part of anyone else's creations that are made for sale. Stickers, prints, plushies, paintings, etc. - all of these are sold with the intention that you are purchasing them for personal use only.
I am just one person, and I have worked very hard to keep the credit for the work that I do; please help me keep doing this by eliminating any excess of opportunities available to take my control of my own artwork away from Me.
I Thank You from the bottom of my heart for your support and understanding in these matters, as we continue to progress in an age where Artists are often being passed over for less genuine and more generative creations. Keep the human soul in Artwork, and Support your favorite Artists!